Tag Archives: St. Benedict’s Abbey

Up the Abbey Bell Tower with Br. Joe (Part 2)

Br. Joe and I, on a whim, decided to climb the bell tower again.  Eager to take pictures, I took my camera.  I was not disappointed.

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Happy Solemnity!

St. Benedict IconToday, Benedictine communities throughout the world are celebrating the Solemnity of the Transitus (passing into eternal life) of St. Benedict.  This day also happens to be my name day.

So today, on the Solemnity of the Passing of Our Holy Father Benedict into eternal life, I, Br. Benedict Mary Geist, OSB (of the Order of St. Benedict), a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey, the purveyor of Benedict’s Beads and Benedict’s Brittle and co-founder of Benedictine College (formerly St. Benedict’s College) whose campus is next to St. Benedict’s church (part of the larger St. Benedict parish community) and St. Benedict’s Catholic School and on whose campus is St. Benedict Hall, a statue of St. Benedict and the St. Benedict’s Abbey/Benedictine College Library (where I work, making me a Benedictine Benedictine Benedict) wish you blessed feast of St. Benedict and ask that God may graciously give you his benediction.

As you can tell, I had a lot of fun writing that.  We monks are not terribly creative at naming things.  At any rate, I also wish to share with you a beautiful prayer to St. Benedict, written by St. Anselm for you consideration and prayer.  It is a monk, writing to the founder of his spirituality, begging for mercy and help in his monastic life.

Holy and Blessed Benedict,

Whom heavenly grace endowed

With the rich blessing of great virtue,

Not only that you might be raised up

To the glory you desired

And to the blessed rest of your place in heaven,

To the rest of the blessed, to a seat in heaven, but also that your blessed life

Might draw many others to that same blessedness,

That your sweet counsel might rouse them,

Your kindly doctrine instruct them,

Your wondrous deeds inspire them.

Oh, I say, blessed Benedict,

You, whom God has favored with such great benedictions,

I prostrate myself before you,

With all the affection I am able to express;

I implore your help

With all the desire I am able to rouse.

For my need is huge and unbearable.

For I profess to lead a life of ongoing conversion,

As I did promise when I took the name and habit of a monk.

But so far removed am I [from this life of a monk]

That my conscience convicts me

Of lying to God, to angels, and to all peoples.

Holy Father Benedict, be with me!

Do not, I beg you, be distraught

By my many failings and lies; but hear me

As I confess to you,

And grant me greater mercy

Than I have a right to expect.

Medal of St. Benedict

Don’t forget! There is a rosary sale going on until tomorrow to celebrate St. Benedict’s Transitus.

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Filed under Around the Abbey, Benedict's Beads, Benedictine College, Benedictine Spirituality

Prayer of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin

Today, on the day I take vows, I am renewing my Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  My prayer is as follows:


The Holy Theotokos and St. John

Most holy Mother, I, Br. Benedict come to you on this special day on which we celebrate your Immaculate Conception and on which your adorable Son Jesus has permitted me to take simple vows as a Benedictine Monk. On this day, St. Benedict’s Abbey becomes my home. I remember well Jesus’ words to you and to me: “Woman behold your son.” “Son, behold your mother.” I behold your spotless purity, your unshakeable faith, your undying love, and your special place in the most Sacred Heart of your Son. As Jesus’ beloved disciple, I wish to take you to my own home. Be pleased to come dwell with me here at St. Benedict’s Abbey.

But Oh Mary, what sight must greet you when you behold me? I have sinned greatly and without number! I am a sinner constantly in need of the blood and water that poured forth from Jesus’ sacred side. So great am I in need of that mercy that I no longer feel worthy to approach Jesus on my own. I wish only to be his slave through you. Today I renew and ratify my baptismal promises and I renounce Satan and all his works. Please crush his head in my life! As your slave I give to you all my spiritual and temporal possessions, past, present, and future, and give to you the right to do with me whatever you see fit for the greater glory of God in time and eternity. Please bring me to your Son as his slave, that he may welcome me as he welcomes you. Please form Jesus in me so much so that when I enter eternity and come before God’s mighty throne I may not hear the words “Depart from me” but rather “Woman behold your Son. Son, behold your Mother.” And you will take me to your own home.  Amen.

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Filed under About Me, Around the Abbey, Benedictine Spirituality, Mariology, Scripture, Total Consecration

Up The Abbey Bell Tower With Br. Joseph

Br. Joseph Ryan, our Porter, Sacristan, and general Abbey handyman told me that our bell tower lights were not functioning quite right and so he had done some work with extension cords.  I asked if I could tag along when he went to retrieve the extension cord to take advantage of the rare opportunity to visit the bell tower.  Here are the pictures of the stunning view.

Isn’t my home beautiful?

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