Tag Archives: laity

Allocutio: An Apostolic Lay Essential

I was unable to attend Our Lady Seat of Wisdom’s meeting on Monday, so our president, Ciera, gave the allocutio.  Here is a link to her allocutio along with a short blurb.

A few weeks ago, Br. Benedict and I sat down with Br. Gus to discuss our recommendations for the seven officer positions that had opened up with the birth of Our Lady of Perpetual Help praesidium. On the table before us we had laid the little cards which you all filled out with the positions you were willing to take on. After a while, our conversation took a bird-walk and the subject turned to focus on religious vocations. Out of curiosity, we rearranged the cards into two groups, with one group being the names of Legionaries who had shown at some point and time that they were discerning the consecrated life. The group of discerning legionaries greatly outnumbered the other pile of names!

Source: Allocutio: An Apostolic Lay Essential

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